Biggest Halloween Decorations Available in 2022

Halloween is right around the corner, and if you want to ensure your house is the best decorated on your block, please delight in this incomplete ranking of the tallest Halloween decorations available online. Like Tinder, the first qualifier to make this list is height. I’ve excluded all decorations under 8 feet tall—I would not be frightened or intimidated by a 7-foot skeleton (real height 6 feet 8 inches, per the rules regulating the Tinderverse).
While we’re all for Home Depot’s now infamous 12-foot tall, LCD-lit eyes skeleton, that’s not the only freaky, looming bag of bones you can purchase this year. In fact, there is a delightful abundance of extremely large options for those who do not live in teensy apartments without yard space. And while several of the items below would not fit into my 800-square-foot living space, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get to enjoy them.
10. 10-Foot Jack-O-Lantern Head Reaper
This decoration loses points for being inflatable (too easy to assemble!) and not being the tallest inflatable on the list. It does earn points for its spooky factor, as anything with a human body and an inhuman head is a hallmark of horror. At $99, this isn’t the most expensive item on the list, but it’s not exactly budget decor, either.

9. 12-Foot Halloween Decoration Inflatable Ghost
Available on Amazon, this inflatable makes the list based on its height alone. However, to me, a 12-foot tall ghost is a lack of commitment to the holiday. For starters, when you are standing directly in front of it, all you will see is a white column. That’s not particularly spooky. Also, the fringe on the arms of the ghost is giving me disco, not haunted house. But, if you’re leaning into a more affordable, kitsch decor theme, a 12-foot tall ghost for $45.99 is definitely the right pick.

8. 12-Foot Giant-Sized Skeleton with LifeEyes
As the inspiration for the list and the zeitgeist around ultra large Halloween decorations, the 12- Skeleton, who I have named Mr. LifeEyes, is an instant classic. No one wants to have the third Mr. LifeEyes on the block, and the virality of Mr. LifeEyes means that more people are likely to have this lawn decor, which means your yard is less likely to stand out. Plus, the $300 skeleton is out of stock at many locations. You can get it on Amazon, but it’s marked up twice its original price.

7. 12-Foot Giant-Sized Inferno Pumpkin Skeleton with LifeEyes
The fiery pumpkin twin of Mr. Life Eyes, Mr. Inferno, is also out of stock. That obviously dings a few points from the ranking. But it does seem a whole lot scarier than Mr. LifeEyes. First, there’s the whole pumpkin instead of skull detail, indicating that Mr. Inferno is not just a very tall human’s haunted remains, but rather it’s the remains of some otherworldly creature. If it were in stock, it would retail for $349.50.

6. 8-Foot Tall Halloween Inflatable Infinity Mirror Reaper
I can’t explain it, but this is the Dua Lipa of lawn decorations. This Infinity Reaper looks like she is about to burst into a disco-pop-ballad any moment. If there’s a pop sensation in the haunted dimension, Infinity Reaper is a headlining star. This lawn ornament delivers spooky and glamorous energy, and at just 8 feet tall, it will even fit in smaller spaces. At $99, it’s also a slightly more affordable option than some of these other super-sized inflatables.

5. 12-Foot Spellcasting Witch Coven
Talk about girl bosses. These three witches can create spine-chilling vibes on your lawn, all while reminding everyone that women can be scary too. Again, points for height, but a deduction for being inflatables. I think this would be a significantly cooler yard decoration if the witches were draped in way more ragged gauze and had winding tree branches for arms. I guess that would make this $349.50 blowup even more expensive, though.

4. 12-Foot Animated Hovering Witch Halloween
This is what I want from a 12-foot witch lawn decoration. It’s animatronic, appears to be flying, and requires assembly. Her broom touches the ground while the ghoulish witch hovers above. This is everything you want out of a Halloween lawn decoration. The witch’s head turns, she speaks from a spooky script, and her eyes flash at night. This creature is guaranteed to frighten your neighbors. The witch and the broom are available for $299.

3. 8-Foot Giant Animated Scarecrow Pumpkin
While only 8 feet tall, this pumpkin haunter wins points for originality. This was designed by the team, meaning that even though there are conceptually similar creepy pumpkin lawn decorations out there, this one will stand out. The Scarecrow Pumpkin’s eyes, head, arms, and torso are all interactive, so for $299, it will literally make your lawn come alive.

2. 12-Foot Hanging Groom Ghost
This gaunt ghost ranks so high not only because of its height and spooky appeal but because it is the most affordable and non-inflated piece of decor on the list. For just $59.99, you can put up this ghastly ghoul just about anywhere, meaning that you can haunt your lawn, your home, or even your office.

1. 14-Foot Giant Oogie Boogie with Dice Inflatable
I very much intended to put a non-inflatable at the very top of this list, but I just can’t help myself. This 14-foot Giant Oogie Boogie is blobby, green, and glowing. And while most lawn decor would be better suited as non-inflatable, Oogie Boogie is the ultimate inflatable. It brings the idea of an amorphous animated blob to life and perfectly straddles the line between spooky and fun. For $299, it won’t be cheap but think of all the fun you’ll have.

While you may not agree with my ranking, I am sure you’re happy to know about all of the outrageously large decorations available on the market. I must give an honorable mention to this 20-foot Mummy Inflatable, sheerly for its height. I don’t like anything else about it, but I always appreciate size.
Opheli Garcia Lawler is a Staff Writer on the News team at Thrillist. Follow her on Twitter @opheligarcia and Instagram @opheligarcia.